First class product or service are at the heart of every good business, this is what comes first and every business wants to be a customer’s ‘1st choice’. A strong and well maintained brand can play a large part in making this happen and if you want to strengthen the perceptions of your business, then a strong and well structured brand is needed.
You may have like-for-like products or services with your competitors and a strong consistant brand helps give your customers reason to choose you over them!
A brand identity is the face of your business. It represents your company's values, services, ideas and personality. It can generate loyalty from your clients and make your employees proud to work for you.
In short... Better perceptions outsell better products –
The famous Coke/Pepsi blind taste test is a perfect example of this. In blind tastings Pepsi always tends to have a slight advantage, but take the blindfold off and Coke nearly always wins.